How to Install WordPress – Beginner’s Guide (Step by Step)

How to Install WordPress

Do you want to get started with WordPress to create your website? WordPress is the most popular content management system (CMS) and website builder in the world.

In this article, we’ll share how to install WordPress using multiple platforms.

WordPress is used by more than 30% of websites in the world, which makes it the most-used software to create a website. It’s easy to set up and helps launch websites or blogs quickly. WordPress has 2 types: WordPress.com, which is a hosted solution; and WordPress.org, also known as self-hosted WordPress.

If you want, you can check our step-by-step guide to learn how to move from WordPress.com to WordPress.org.

We’ll use self-hosted WordPress in this guide. Many good WordPress hosting companies offer 1-click installation setup for WordPress. However, the setup process is different for each hosting panel.

For this guide, we’ll show you how to install WordPress using MOJO Marketplace, Fantastico, Softaculous, SimpleScripts, and other control panels. This’ll be a comprehensive guide, so we’re writing down the table of contents to help you easily find the installation process you are looking for:

WordPress Installation: Table of Contents

I. Installing WordPress: Pre-requisite
II. Installing WordPress on Various Web Hosting Providers

  1. How to Install WordPress in Bluehost
  2. How to Install WordPress in SiteGround
  3. How to Install WordPress in WPEngine

III. Installing WordPress With 1-Click Installers

  1. How to Install WordPress Using Fantastico
  2. How to Install WordPress Using Softaculous
  3. How to Install WordPress Using QuickInstall
  4. How to Install WordPress Using MOJO Marketplace

IV. More WordPress Installation Tutorials

  1. How to Install WordPress Using FTP
  2. How to Install WordPress in Your Language
  3. How to Install a WordPress Multisite Network
  4. How to Install WordPress in Your Computer
  5. Things to Do After Installing WordPress

Things to Do Before Installing WordPress

Before you can install WordPress, you’ll need to purchase a domain name and web hosting.

We recommend Bluehost for web hosting. It’s one of the most popular hosting companies in the world, and it’s also officially recommended by WordPress.

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After purchasing your domain name and web hosting, you’re ready to install WordPress.

How to Install WordPress in Bluehost

Bluehost is one of the most popular names when it comes to hosting services. Installing WordPress with Bluehost is super quick and easy. In fact, you don’t have to do much because when you sign up for Bluehost, it will automatically install WordPress in your domain name.

So you can directly login to your account, go to the My Sites tab on your left and click on the Login to WordPress button on your right.

install wordpress in bluehost

This will take you to the WordPress admin area where you can start using WordPress as you would normally do. If you want to install WordPress in more than one site, that’s possible too.

Bluehost lets you install WordPress in an unlimited number of sites for all its hosting plans except for the basic one. You can add more sites to your hosting by clicking on the Create Site button under the My Sites option.

Bluehost create site

The Bluehost guided WordPress installation wizard will now launch. You can now create a new WordPress site by entering the site name and tagline. Once done click on the Next button.

In the next step, select the domain name that you’ve purchased. If you don’t have a domain name you can purchase one by going to the Domains page in the Bluehost dashboard.

Now that your domain is added, leave the directory field blank. Bluehost will automatically add this field for you. The installer will display a few plugins that you can opt for.

Now hit the Nextbutton. In a few minutes, WordPress will be set up by the Bluehost installer. You’ll see a success message once the setup is completed.

Bluehost Installer

You will also receive these details via email. Now click on the Login to WordPress button to enter your new site’s admin area. That’s easy, right?

How to Install WordPress in SiteGround

SiteGround is a popular hosting option for both beginners and advanced users. Their hosting is highly optimized for WordPress and installing it is super easy.

Once you sign up for SiteGround, you’ll see a popup screen with a welcome message. You will be asked if you want to set up your site now.

installing wordpress in siteground

Select the Start a New Website option and select WordPress. You’ll now be redirected to a new screen where you have to enter your WordPress installation details. Enter your credentials and click on the Confirm button.

install wp in siteground

This will take you to a new screen. You can skip the settings on this page and click on the Complete Setup button.

 SiteGround installation

The installer will get into action and when it’s done, you’ll see a success message on your screen. You’ll also see an option saying Proceed to Customer Area button.

In the customer area click on the My Accounts tab. Here you’ll see an option called Go to Admin Panel. You can click on this tab to enter the WordPress admin panel.

And that’s it. WordPress has been successfully installed on your SiteGround hosting account. For more details, check out this SiteGround review.

How to Install WordPress in WP Engine

WPEngine is a managed WordPress hosting provider that takes care of all your WordPress hosting needs. It will manage your WordPress site updates, installation, and performance optimization so you can easily grow your business. Know more about WP Engine here.

Because WPEngine is a managed WordPress hosting, it will automatically install WordPress for you when you sign up.

You can also add more websites if you want. For that start by logging in to your WP Engine dashboard and go to Sites.

You’ll see the names of all your sites appear on your screen. Now click on the Add Site button to add a new WordPress install.

In the next screen, you can add the name of your production environment. Also, add the name of your preference and click on the Create Environment button.

Now the action will begin. The DNS changes will obviously take some time to propagate. Once that’s done, you’ll be able to access the WordPress admin area by clicking on the link in the sidebar.

You can use the Add Domainlink to add a domain to your website. But WP Engine doesn’t offer domain names. So you’ll have to buy a domain name from one of the domain registrars where you’ll have to point your domain’s DNS settings to WP Engine.

This will need your site’s IP address and CNAME. This information is available on the overview page of your site. The basic setting is the same for all domain registrars. Here we’ll show you how to use this information on Domain.com.

Adding DNS Information on Domain.com

To begin with log in to the domain.com account dashboard and click on DNS and Nameservers.

Now on the next screen click on the Edit button to add your IP address provided by WP Engine.

Once done, click on the Update DNS button.

WPEngine update DNS

Next, you’ll have to check if you have a CNAME record with www as its name. If you do, then you will need to edit that CNAME record. Otherwise, go ahead and click on the Add DNS Record button. Now in the Value field add the CNAME subdomain provided by WPEngine and then click on the Add DNS button.

And that’s pretty much it. Your domain name now has been successfully pointed to your WordPress site hosted by WP Engine.

How to Install WordPress Using Fantastico

Fantastico is available in multiple web hosting control panels. It’s an auto-installer that you can use to quickly install WordPress.

In your web hosting dashboard, you’ll need to look for the Software section to locate the Fantastico installer.

Fantastico Installer

Click on the Fantastico icon, and it’ll open the auto-installer options.

Note: Different web hosting companies use different versions of Fantastico. Some are still using older versions, while others are updated to the latest auto-installer software. The difference will be in design and colors. However, the basic installation steps for WordPress are similar in all versions.

You’ll see a list of all applications, including WordPress, in the left-hand menu. Simply go to Blogs » WordPress.

Don’t miss the chance to read about popular CMS market share.

Next, you’ll see the overview for WordPress, and a big Install button that shows the WordPress version to be installed.

Fantastico WordPress

You’ll need to click on the Install WordPress button.

Next, you’ll be asked to select your domain name, sub-directory (add this information only if you want to install WordPress in a sub-directory; if not, you can leave this field blank), username, password, and email to continue.

Fantastico auto-installer

After adding the required information, you’ll need to click on the Submit button.

The installation process will begin, and a progress bar will appear on the same screen. Once the installation is done, you’ll see a success message.

Note: If the latest version of WordPress isn’t installed, then you don’t need to worry about it. Once you’ll log into your WordPress admin account, you’ll get the notification to update to the latest version.

How to Install WordPress Using Softaculous

Softaculous is another WordPress auto-installer script used by multiple web hosting companies. It works similarly to Fantastico and helps you install WordPress right away. Many big hosting companies like SiteGround, InMotion Hosting, etc. offer Softaculous in their web hosting dashboards.

You’ll need to login into your web hosting control panel and search for Softaculous in the Software section. In some control panels, you’ll also find a Softaculous Apps Installer section separately with all apps visible in your dashboard. It’ll allow you to directly click on WordPress and install it.


You can choose any option to install WordPress. If you click on the WordPress icon under Softaculous Apps Installer section, then it’ll show you an overview of WordPress. There are other tabs like Install, Features, Screenshots, etc. Visit the Install tab to get started.

Install WordPress from Softaculous

First, you’ll need to select Http:// or Http://www protocols. If you’re using SSL and HTTPS, then simply choose Https:// or Https://www from the protocol dropdown.

Select protocol

Next, you’ll need to select the domain name where you want to install WordPress. After choosing the domain name, you’ll need to add a sub-directory (for example: mywebsite.com/wp) where you want WordPress to be installed. A directory will automatically be created with the name you define and WordPress will be installed there.

However, if you’ll be installing WordPress on your root directory (for example: mywebsite.com), then leave the In Directory field blank.

Now that you’re done with the Software Setup, simply scroll down to Site Settings.

Site settings

You’ll need to add the site name and site description. These details aren’t permanent and you can change them later from your WordPress admin dashboard.

After that, you’ll be asked to provide a username, password, and email address to create credentials for your WordPress admin area. You can use the password generator by Softaculous to add a strong password or use our free strong password generator. Also, you’ll need to make sure that the username is a non-dictionary word.

However, there’s no given rule to set the username or password. You’re free to select a username of your choice and a password that you can easily remember. We recommend you to keep a strong password, so your site will remain secured from hackers. You should check out this guide on how to manage passwords for more detailed information.

The email field is important because all the notifications will be sent to the email address you provide here. These notifications include update alerts, password reset, and more.

Optional settings

Once you’re done with the Site Settings, you can scroll further to select the plugins and theme. These are optional settings and you can also manage them from your WordPress admin dashboard after the installation. Click on the Install button.

In few minutes, you’ll see a success message for WordPress installation. Until the progress bar shows 100%, it’s recommended to stay on the installation screen to avoid troubles.

Success WordPress installation

After successful installation, you’ll see details like your website URL and WordPress admin access URL.

How to Install WordPress Using QuickInstall

QuickInstall is an auto-installer for WordPress and many other apps. It’s available on multiple web hosting control panels including HostGator and others. Different hosting dashboards may have a different appearance for QuickInstall, but the features and process to install WordPress is almost same.

You’ll need to log into your web hosting dashboard, and search for the Software section. There you’ll find the QuickInstall icon. Click on QuickInstall to continue.

QuickInstall cPanel

It’ll launch the QuickInstall page with all its apps, including WordPress, under the 1-Click Install section. Simply click on the WordPress link, to begin with it.

WordPress installation

Like many other installation scripts, it’ll show you the WordPress overview and a button for installation. You’ll need to click on the Install WordPress button.

Install WordPress

Next, you’ll need to add the required details for a WordPress installation.

Start by choosing the domain name where you want to install WordPress. In the next field, you’ll need to add a sub-directory. If you want to install WordPress on your root directory (example.com), then simply leave this field blank.

Install WordPress in QuickInstall

Moving ahead, you’ll need to enter the admin email address, blog title or site name, admin username, first name, and last name. These details will be used to create an admin user for your WordPress installation.

After adding your user details, you’ll need to click on the Install WordPress button.

WordPress installation will begin, and it’ll take a few moments to complete the process. Once the installation has successfully finished, you’ll see the login details with URLs for your website and WordPress admin area.

How to Install WordPress Using MOJO Marketplace

MOJO Marketplace supports a 1-click installer tool used by multiple web hosting companies to quickly install apps like WordPress. It is available in the web hosting control panel.

If you are using Bluehost web hosting, then you’ll need to login into your hosting control panel and go to the website section.

MOJO one click installs

From there, you’ll need to click on the Install WordPress or 1-Click Install icon. If you click on the Install WordPress icon, then you’ll be redirected to choose your domain name, and add a directory name (only if you want to install WordPress in a sub-directory like example.com/wp).

After that, click on the Next button.

Select domain and directory

Now, you’ll be asked to add admin information like Site title, admin username, admin password, and admin email address. Also, you’ll need to check mark the terms and conditions. Then, click on the Next button.

Admin user information

A progress bar will appear at the top of the screen, and you’ll be notified once WordPress is installed. You’ll need to click on the link to view your login credentials.

Installation completed

Once you click on the link, it’ll show you a success message and your WordPress admin access (username and password).

WordPress admin access

How to Install WordPress Using FTP

Do you want to install WordPress manually using an FTP client? It’ll add a few more steps to the installation process. We recommend you take a look at this guide on how to use FTP to upload WordPress files for more detailed information.

Before we start, you’ll need to download the latest WordPress version from their official site. Simply unzip the file and use an FTP client like FileZilla to upload the WordPress files into your root directory. Usually the root directory is called /public_html/.

If you want to install WordPress in a sub-directory (For example mywebsite.com/wp), then you can create a folder in your root directory with the respective name and upload your WordPress files there. In this case, your extension in the FTP client will be /public_html/wp.

Use FTP client to install WordPress

After uploading the WordPress files, you’ll need to login to your web hosting control panel to create a new database. In your cPanel, you’ll need to search for the Databases section and click on the MySQL Databases icon.

MySQL databases

In the New Database field, you’ll need to add the name of your database. After that, click on the Create Database button.

New Database

Once your database is created, you’ll need to enter your MySQL username and password. These credentials will belong to your database and they’ll be used in your WordPress configuration file.

Upon adding the username and password, you’ll need to click on the Create a user button.

Create a user

Creating a user is not enough. You’ll need to give access to this new user to connect with your database. Simply add the user to your database with all permissions.

To do this, you’ll need to go to the Add User to a Database section on the same page. In the User dropdown, select the new user that you created, and select your database in the Database dropdown. After that, click on the Add button.

Add user to database

It’ll show you the user privileges page. You’ll need to check mark all privileges for this new user to make changes on your database.

After that, head over to the installation process. You’ll need to browse the WordPress URL to begin with the installation. If you uploaded WordPress files on the main root directory, then your domain name will be the WordPress URL (for example: www.mywebsite.com)

First, it’ll ask you to select a language. After selecting your language, click on the Continue button. Now, the complete WordPress installation process will be in this same language. If you’re not satisfied with your language selection, you can change it later from your WordPress admin settings.

Select language

Next, it’ll display the welcome message and information about your new WordPress installation. Read this information as WordPress will access your database credentials to launch properly.

You’ll need to click on the Let’s go! button.

Install WordPress manually

Now, you’ll see a form where you’ll need to add your database name, username, and password. After that, click on the Submit button.

Create WordPress config file

Upon successful connection with the database, you’ll see a message from WordPress and you’ll need to click on Run the install button to continue.

Run the install

WordPress will run its background process that includes creating tables in your database, and taking you to the next step.

You’ll need to enter your Site title, username, password, and email address to set up your WordPress site.

In the development phase, you may not want search engines to see your website, so you’ll need to checkmark on search engine visibility option. You can change this setting later from your WordPress admin account.

WordPress site settings

Once you click on the Install WordPress button, it’ll complete the installation process and display a success message. You’ll also see the login credentials to access your WordPress admin account.

Successful installation of WordPress

How to Install WordPress in Your Language

WordPress is translated into almost all the languages in the world. You can easily install WordPress in your own language.

To name a few, WordPress includes languages such as English, French, Spanish, Chinese (Han), Japanese, Arabic, Korean, German, Hebrew, Hindi, and more.

While installing WordPress, it’ll ask you to select a language and then further installation will be done in the chosen language. However, if you select English at first and want to change the language later, then you’ll need to visit Settings » General page in your WordPress admin account.

Site language

You should also check out this guide on how to create a multilingual website in WordPress for more details.

How to Install a WordPress Multisite Network

Multisite Network

By default, WordPress has multisite features. You can use the multisite network to create and manage more than one website under a single WordPress installation. The WordPress multisite network is strong, and it easily manages your new sites on sub-directories or sub-domains.

It’s helpful for large businesses, government organizations, membership websites, educational institutes, travel companies, and more.

You should follow this complete guide on how to install and setup WordPress multisite network for detailed instructions.

How to Install WordPress on Your Computer

Do you want to install WordPress on your computer step by step from scratch? Many beginners want to create their websites in a local server environment before showing it to other people. However, you can also build your website on a live environment by simply discouraging search engines to see your site.

Other than that, there’re many people who want to install WordPress on their computer to develop themes, plugins, or test the code.

Installing WordPress on your computer will not be visible to all until you take it live on your domain.

For Windows users, you’ll need to download and set up WAMP to install WordPress. However, Mac users will need to setup Mamp on their computers for local WordPress installation.

You should also check out our guide on how to transfer WordPress from local server to a live site for step-by-step instructions.

Things to Do After Installing WordPress

After the successful installation of WordPress, you’ll need to select your theme and plugins to launch your website properly.

Selecting a WordPress Theme

A theme, or website template, will be the design / style of your WordPress site. You will find hundreds of thousands of WordPress themes on the internet and WordPress repository. However, it’s difficult to select a theme when you have these many choices. We recommend you sort WordPress themes according to your business niche and then check out our expert pick of the best WordPress themes.

We keep this list updated, so you’ll find the latest and most amazing WordPress themes for your website.

Choosing the Best WordPress Plugins

WordPress is flexible and easy to set up. It allows you to add any feature you desire on your website using WordPress plugins. Whether you want to add a contact form, optimize your website for search engines, secure your website from hackers, or any other functionality on your site, there’s a fair chance that you’ll find a plugin in the WordPress directory.

Other than the WordPress repository, you can find premium plugins that are available as third-party tools on the internet to extend functionalities on your website.

If you ever plan to switch domains, then check out this interesting step by step article on how to move your WordPress site to a new domain name. And if you ever think to change your CMS then read on our WordPress alternatives article, listing the top WordPress competitors.

We hope this article helped you learn how to install WordPress. You may also want to see our guide on how to start a WordPress website from scratch (step by step).

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