Colonnes d’administration de la bibliothèque des médias avec l’ID de la pièce jointe

Snippets by IsItWP

La médiathèque contient des informations spécifiques sur vos images. Vous pouvez ajouter une autre colonne pour afficher l’identifiant de la pièce jointe ainsi que d’autres détails.

Instructions : Ajoutez le code suivant au fichier functions.php de votre thème WordPress.

add_filter('manage_media_columns', 'posts_columns_attachment_id', 1);
add_action('manage_media_custom_column', 'posts_custom_columns_attachment_id', 1, 2);
function posts_columns_attachment_id($defaults){
    $defaults['wps_post_attachments_id'] = __('ID');
    return $defaults;
function posts_custom_columns_attachment_id($column_name, $id){
	if($column_name === 'wps_post_attachments_id'){
	echo $id;

Vous pouvez également apprécier la suppression des colonnes de médias.

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  1. Hi
    This worked thank you.
    I really need to see the ids and be able to sort/filter by image Ids when selecting an image or multiple images for a gallery slideshow.

    at present can only filter by date.

    any chance of a snippet to fix this please?

    Ps my problem is not knowing the question to ask google to find things – too hours to find this – so now have you book marked.

    1. This may or may not have everything you need, but you may want to check out this Stack Exchange entry: https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/35680/sortable-custom-column-in-media-library

  2. Nice, thanks a lot!

  3. Eva Collados Pascual mai 6, 2015 à 5:33 am

    Thanks Kevin! Worked perfectly for me. I tried other functions for this i’ve found on the web without you results.

    Addicted to your snippets!

  4. Thank you so much, you saved me hours and hours 😉

  5. Any way to make the column sortable in 3.5?

  6. Brandon Wilds mai 1, 2012 à 11:45 am

    I am currently trying to get the attachment id to show in a custom field within my media library and cannot seem to figure out how to get it there.  Its easy to add to the media page itself using the $_REQUEST[‘attachment_id’] although this does not work in the media library.

    Your code above does not seem to work within my theme for whatever reason.

  7. This makes it MUCH easier to get the id. Would it be possible to add this column to the gallery tab on the media insert pop-over panel as well? (so you could easily see the id of an image for include or exclude in the shortcode)

    1. Hi David,
      I’m sure you could not something I have looked into, I do a little research for a future posting.

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