Plug-in de SEO para WordPress da Yoast – Revisão em vídeo

Yoast, que você talvez conheça da comunidade de SEO ou dos vários plug-ins do WordPress que ele desenvolveu, agora criou um plug-in de SEO para WordPress.

Recentemente, tive a chance de experimentá-lo. Você pode acompanhar meu screencast em vídeo abaixo, bem como outras considerações mais adiante neste post.

Uma verdadeira solução “tudo em um”?

Atualmente, no Theme Lab, uso alguns plug-ins de SEO diferentes, incluindo All-In-One SEO Pack, XML Sitemaps, RSS Footers (também da Yoast). Também usei plug-ins como o Yoast Breadcrumbs em outros sites.

O plug-in de SEO para WordPress da Yoast combina todos esses recursos em um único plug-in, tornando-o uma solução muito mais completa do que outros plug-ins de SEO disponíveis no mercado atualmente.

Ele tem até mesmo recursos como a limpeza da parte <head> de um documento (que abordei no vídeo). Falei sobre como remover esse código manualmente em um tutorial anterior: Remover código desnecessário do wp_head

O melhor de tudo é que você pode importar e exportar todas as suas configurações, que podem ser transferidas para outros sites facilmente. Com plug-ins como o SEO Data Transporter do StudioPress, você pode importar as configurações de SEO de praticamente todos os plug-ins de SEO ou estruturas de temas populares para que sejam compatíveis com o WordPress SEO da Yoast.


Eu recomendaria o WordPress SEO by Yoast como um plugin obrigatório. Nos desenvolvimentos mais recentes do site, tentei parar de usar tantos plug-ins, o que incluiu a eliminação de plug-ins como o All-In-One SEO Pack em favor do armazenamento de metatags e títulos personalizados codificados em campos personalizados.

Com todos os recursos úteis do plug-in de SEO do WordPress que abrangem muitos aspectos de SEO, você realmente não pode se dar ao luxo de não usá-lo. Planejo mudar para o plug-in WordPress SEO no Theme Lab no futuro.

O que você acha do plugin WordPress SEO da Yoast? Se você usa atualmente outro plug-in de SEO ou estrutura de tema, consideraria a possibilidade de mudar?

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  1. I’m using WordPress SEO on one of my blog and ALL in one SEO in the other. I do not know if I missed something but the other blog (the one with all in one seo) performed better. Maybe I just need to optimized further my blog with WP SEO to fully utilize it capabilities.

    1. Keep in mind these plugins really only handle on-site SEO, there’s a lot more to SEO than just what these plugins can do for you.

  2. Thanks for the video overview – very helpful.
    I had been using All in One SEO for the last 6 months, but found it a bit confusing and had a few conflict issues with other plugins. I had been wanting to try out Yoast and your video helped me make the move.
    Certainly the transfer of data from All in On SEO was simple and the whole design of the Yoast plugin is very clean and easy to use.
    The breadcrumb feature appears to link in well with the Genesis Child theme I am using, but I am a bit like @Dave in finding some of the SEO concepts quite difficult. Yoast is by far the best SEO plugin at ‘explaining’ some of the nuances surrounding META and nofollow descriptions. These are things I have always struggled with.
    Overall very pleased so far, and look forward to your review when you make the move on ThemeLab

  3. May I make a feature request? It’d be wonderful if this plugin had options for Facebook’s Open Graph tags. I haven’t found a plugin that is particularly elegant to handle just the basic tags in the head of the document. Existing plugins either seem to be customizing the Like button or creating an entire Facebook application to plug into WordPress.

    I really believe that the Open/Social Graph is going to be the next generation of SEO, from just robots scraping text to real semantic meaning.


    1. I’m not that familiar with Open Graph but that seems like a good suggestion. You may want to bring that up directly with Yoast since I’m not sure how much he’s keeping track of the comments here.

  4. I’ve been testing it since the first public beta, it’s quite good. Still has a little ways to go but I haven’t hesitated to implement it on a few smaller sites. Huge improvement over A-I-O on a number of fronts. Can’t wait to see what plugins for the plugin come out in the future (we need a better name for plugin plugins…inserts? adaptors? converters? Something!).

    1. Are you talking about modules? I believe there are a few already for video SEO, news SEO, and local SEO (some of which are paid).

  5. Thanks for this – I found out about the plugin over the weekend and was thinking of replacing All-In-One SEO, now I will!

  6. Dave from The Longest Way Home dezembro 20, 2010 em 12:56 pm

    I’ve been testing this plugin on some smaller sites. It really does function very well.

    I do however wish it would come with more help files, as not everything is abundantly clear.

    1. What are some of the things you don’t find clear?

  7. I have a query…

    Can I use 2 SEO plugins at a time on my blog? Meaning can I use ALL IN ONE SEO and Yoast SEO plugin together for my blog?

    Does Google penalize if so?

    1. No, plus it’s kinda pointless to have both of them activated since they do a lot of the same things. You should choose between one or the other.

      I doubt Google would penalize you for using both of them at once, but again, there’s no point to combining them in the first place.

      1. Then you said that you are using Yoast plugin on your blog? How is the result? Is it better than All In One SEO?

        1. I actually haven’t switched it yet, but I wouldn’t expect any immediate SEO result if I did switch (probably hardly any at all).

          If I did switch I would import all my custom titles and meta descriptions, plus I already use the RSS Footer plugin, so the onsite portion of the SEO would stay pretty much the same.

  8. The first release was a bit shaky but now Yoast has really started to master this plugin. I find the benefits are great – espcially when it comes to merging a load of other plugins into one (XML sitemap, breadcrumbs etc).

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