Shortcode com loop microformatado, meta, categoria, paginação

Snippets by IsItWP

O uso de um shortcode do WordPress permite que você publique posts de blog individuais com base no ID, no número mais recente de posts de blog de uma determinada categoria ou de todas as categorias, na paginação opcional, no trecho opcional ou na exibição do conteúdo completo e na meta opcional.

Instruções: Adicione o seguinte código ao functions.php de seu tema do WordPress para ativar o novo shortcode.

/************* SHORTCODES ****************/
function showBlogPosts( $atts ) {
	extract( shortcode_atts( array(
	// what categories to show, default = all. 
		'cat' => '',
	// number of posts
		'num' => 5,
		'p' => '',
	// The following variables work on an "on/off" switch, 1 to allow, 0 to disallow
	// excerpt or content. default = excerpt
		'excerpt' => 1,
	// show meta or not. default = yes
		'meta' => 1,
		'meta2' => 1,

	//paged. default on no. Determines if page should be paginated or not
		'pnavi' => 0
	), $atts ) );
	global $loopMeta, $loopExcerpt, $loopMeta2;
	$loopMeta = $meta;
	$loopExcerpt = $excerpt;
	$loopMeta2 = $meta2;
	if ($p != ''){
	$posts_per_page = '';	
global $paged;
$args = array( 'posts_per_page' => $num, 'cat'=> $cat, 'p' => $p );
if($pnavi == 1){
$args['paged'] = get_query_var('page');
query_posts($args );
 while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
/* for the loop part, use your own loop.php that contains only the post format. 
** See my "micrLoopPart.php" to see how all the options play out

if($pnavi == 1){
echo'<div id="blogNav">';
posts_nav_link( ' ', '&raquo;', '&laquo;' );
echo '</div>';
add_shortcode( 'blogPosts', 'showBlogPosts' );

Agora, crie um novo arquivo de modelo chamado microLoopPart.php em sua pasta raiz e adicione o seguinte loop microformatado.

<article id="post-<?php the_ID();?>" <?php post_class($classes);?> ><!-- START OF POST -->
      <h1 class="entry-title"><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="<?php the_title_attribute(); ?>" class="url">
        <?php the_title(); ?>
      <span class="meta vcard" style=" <?php if($loopMeta == 0){ echo "display:none"; }?> ">
      <time class="updated" datetime="<?php

$postDate = get_the_date('c');

$postDate2 = get_the_date('d.m.Y');

echo $postDate ?>" pubdate> <?php echo $postDate2; ?></time>
      | <span class="byline fn author">
      <?php the_author_posts_link(); ?>
      </span> | <a href="mailto:<?php the_author_meta('email'); ?>" class="email author">email</a> |
      <?php the_category(', '); ?>

      <div class="postContent entry-content">
		if($loopExcerpt == 0){
			if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) {
			 the_post_thumbnail('thumbnail', array('class' => 'alignleft')); 
	   	echo '<div class="clearfix"></div>';
        <p class="postmetadata" style=" <?php if($loopMeta2 == 0){ echo "display:none"; }?> ">Posted in
          <?php the_category(', '); ?>
          <br />
          <?php the_tags(); ?>
          <br />
          Source: <span class="vcard"><span class="source-org copyright">
          <?php bloginfo('name'); ?>

Por fim, você precisa adicionar o seguinte shortcode nas postagens do seu blog para exibir uma lista microformatada de postagens.

[blogPosts cat=3 excerpt=0 meta=1 meta1=0 num=2]

Você também pode verificar se o shortcode já existe.

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  1. Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘<' in C:xampp3htdocsmrcwp-contentthemesmrcmicroLoopPart.php on line 6

  2. Hi,

    I really your code but like John said the pagination is not working. It will show the link but on next pages (like page 2) it still show the page one content. Any idea?


  3. Thanks for this! – Getting the_excerpt to show for custom queried posts in the sidebar on *single.php* (oddly, it worked on all other pages) was killing me.
    I tried rolling my own shortcode but i couldn’t quite get it to work. This was really handy, and fixed the problem …

    I dont know if its a bug in WP 3.3 but resetting queries, rewinding, trying three diferent query types – from wp_query to get_posts just didnt work on single.php…i was just trying to create a loop outside the main loop – and they all worked on *every page* except on single posts. So frustrating!

    thanks again!

  4. This is a great  contribution. Thank you. I have a problem though on my theme. Everything seems to work except when I add the pagination, the link is there for the pages and it goes to those pages, but every page shows the latest posts (in this example, the latest 2) This is the shortcode I used. Copied the code above without changing

    cat=3 excerpt=0 meta=1 meta1=0 num=2 pnavi=1]
    Any ideas? Using WP 3.3.1 


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