Better SEO Remove Automaticamente Palavras Curtas do URL

Snippets by IsItWP

Você está procurando uma maneira de remover palavras curtas dos seus URLs? Embora provavelmente exista um plug-in para isso, criamos um trecho de código rápido que você pode usar para melhorar o SEO removendo automaticamente palavras curtas do URL no WordPress.


Tudo o que você precisa fazer é adicionar esse código ao arquivo functions.php do seu tema ou em um plugin específico do site:

add_filter('sanitize_title', 'remove_short_words');

function remove_short_words($slug) {
    if (!is_admin()) return $slug;
    $slug = explode('-', $slug);
    foreach ($slug as $k => $word) {
        if (strlen($word) < 3) {
    return implode('-', $slug);

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  1. Hello friend,
    How to remove only certain words from slug?
    Thanks a lot

    1. You could try using this, replaceing “word” with the word you which to remove:

      if ($word === “word”) {

  2. Boost Your WordPress SEO with Short URLs - WPMU.org setembro 6, 2013 em 5:50 pm

    […] to Kevin Chard for these awesome […]

  3. Well the idea is that if you remove words like “The, and, but, is, it,” etc, since they don’t have any real SEO value. However the above snippet was updated to remove only a list of words rather then all words with 3 characters or less.


  4. Peerland Fire Alarm agosto 5, 2011 em 12:11 pm

    I am a newbie in SEO field recently I was told to collect some new information and guess what,I gave them your idea and they really liked it.So in other words your advice save me.Thanks man!Really  nice one.People please try this.

    1. You should take a look at this snippet. This is an updated version of the snippet above.

  5. Alexandre M. Cajaty julho 14, 2011 em 5:09 pm

    Congratulations for the post!

    I adapted your code with a list of negative words separated by commas.

    Hug!****add_filter(‘sanitize_title’, ‘remove_short_words’);function remove_short_words($slug) {    if (!is_admin()) return $slug;    $slug = explode(‘-‘, $slug);    foreach ($slug as $k => $word) { //keywords false $keys_false = ‘a,ao,aos,as,ate,da,de,do,das,dos,dum,duma,e,em,es,na,no,nas,nos,num,numa,o,os,que,um,uma’; $keys = explode(‘,’, $keys_false); foreach ($keys as $l => $wordfalse) { if ($word==$wordfalse) { unset($slug[$k]); } }    }    return implode(‘-‘, $slug);}

    1. Great snippet Alexandre. Email me so I can  set you up as an author for the snippet.

  6. Trieu Quang Khanh junho 24, 2011 em 3:29 am

    this is bad for vietnamese

    1. This is true Trieu Quang Khan, I’m going to publish an updated version that will let users define words that will get removed from the slug. 

      1. Trieuquangkhanh julho 19, 2011 em 7:12 am


  7. Does it exclude 3 letter words? The write up implies it does by including the words but and and, but the screenshot shows seo still there in the URL? Presume it is the condition in line 6 that needs changing. Could removing 3 letter words be too drastic as it could remove words required for the URL to make sense? who, cup, bar, win, end, seo(!) etc.. (which could then have a negative rather than positive effect on seo?)

    1. This is true, one modification I could do to this snippet would be to create a list of words that it should remove. This way it would not remove words that may be important to the SEO of the site.

  8. Do you think this is important for SEO? Why?


    1. The more words you have in the URL Google will weight what could be important words less. Since the if, and, the, is, are, etc are not as important as other words this script will remove them.

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