Como adicionar uma classe personalizada ao link de anexo

Snippets by IsItWP

Está procurando uma maneira de adicionar uma classe personalizada ao link do anexo? Este snippet adicionará uma classe personalizada à tag de âncora do anexo.


  1. Tudo o que você precisa fazer é adicionar esse código ao arquivo functions.php do seu tema ou em um plug-in específico do site.
  2. Altere a classe na linha 3 para o que você quiser. Atualmente, é isitwp.
function add_class_attachment_link($html){
    $postid = get_the_ID();
    $html = str_replace('<a','<a class="isitwp"',$html);
    return $html;

Observação: Se esta é a primeira vez que você adiciona trechos de código no WordPress, consulte nosso guia sobre como copiar/colar corretamente trechos de código no WordPress, para não danificar acidentalmente seu site.

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  1. Wow..4 years ago and still useful.. Thanks a lot!

  2. Thanks a lot! 🙂

  3. Calvin Williams setembro 2, 2013 em 2:47 am

    Cheers to you for this snippet, it helped me solve a really annoying issue!

  4. Thank you for this snippet!

  5. Thank you for that snippet! I am looking for a way to change the class of the function “wp_get_attachment_image” in the functions.php. Do you know how to do that?

  6. life saver 😛

  7. Thanks for the snippet. I looked for it because I would like to add a custom class to links produced by wp_get_attachment_link working in /wp-includes/media.php (I want to add a specific class name to images made by the default wp gallery for lightbox). Where should I put a link like this?

    Also, how can I make sure the class doesn’t appear in every instance of wp_get_attachment_link? Can I make it conditional?

    Thanks again!

    1. Hi Matt, If you are going to want to make things conditional you will be best to make your own shortcode to display images. This snippet just finds each link and adds a class,

      1. Sorry, I meant to add class to the link itself, as required by a lightbox plugin i’m working on. /wp-includes/media.php uses wp_get_attachment_link to create its links, so this would be good. It wouldn’t actually need to be conditional either. Just make the gallery links have a class of thumb. Only it doesn’t seem to work when placed in the theme functions file, possibly because media.php which created the gallery links is in /wp-includes. I tried sticking your snippet in /wp-includes/functions.php and inside of media.php, which didn’t seem to work, maybe I did it wrong. What do you think? Your snippet is probably perfect, I just need to find the right slot!

  8. Hi Kevin, Mind telling me how did you think of this snippet ? I want to learn more about how you came up with this. 

    1.  HI Gerald,
      Glad to see you like the snippets, the hard part in many ways is thinking up what is worth doing. Some of the snippets I write, some I find online. This snippet is because I have one almost exactly the same but for tags


  9. Fantastic! Just what I was looking for.

    1. I figured you needed this Muditha, 😉 enjoy the snippet glad to hear you like it.

  10. awesome you made my day, really

    1. Cool glad to hear it John, I post snippets everyday so lets hope I can make your day again. 🙂 enjoy the snippets.

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