Cómo redireccionar si la categoría / etiqueta sólo contiene una entrada

Snippets by IsItWP

¿Quieres redirigir a tus usuarios a la entrada si una categoría o etiqueta que visitan sólo contiene esa entrada? Es fácil con nuestro fragmento de código. En este artículo, te mostraremos cómo hacerlo.


Todo lo que tienes que hacer es añadir este código al archivo functions.php de tu tema o en un plugin específico del sitio:

function redirect_to_post(){
    global $wp_query;
    if( is_archive() && $wp_query->post_count == 1 ){
        $post_url = get_permalink();
        wp_redirect( $post_url );
} add_action('template_redirect', 'redirect_to_post');

Nota: Si es la primera vez que añade fragmentos de código en WordPress, consulte nuestra guía sobre cómo copiar / pegar correctamente fragmentos de código en WordPress, para no romper accidentalmente su sitio.

Si le gustó este fragmento de código, por favor considere revisar nuestros otros artículos en el sitio como: Los mejores constructores de páginas de WordPress (Comparados).

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  1. Thank you so much. It worked like wonder. Even expert could not helped me but this small codes did the charm. I am in love with this website. Bookmarked this website.

  2. thank you so much.
    is it possible to redirect 301?

  3. not sure where on paste the code in function .php 🙁

  4. Worked like a charm. Excellent and Thank you.

  5. WordPress Function Redirect to Single Post in Category or Taxonomy | Ellen Jane Moore abril 27, 2012 en 10:33 am

    […] A client requested to have a site visitor redirected to the single post if there is only one post in a custom taxonomy.  Thanks to Kevin Chard over at WPSNIPP.COM I found this snippet which redirects user to the post page when the category or tag has only one post (original post). […]

  6. great & Cool !!! thanks…

    1. Glad you like the snippet enjoy Adm,

  7. Your snippet is great !!!

    1. Cool thanks  Riversatile glad you like it.

  8. Hey there Kevin, I am having a similar issue I believe. Big G indexed a bunch of  category archives, now I have like 8 listings in the serps.. I was looking around on how to just redirect all categories to the homepage. Its a WP blog, and I read something about htaccss. 
    Is this similar to what you posted above?Thanks mateRu

    1. Well the above script checks to see if a category has a post however you could simply check if it is an archive and then redirect to homepage.

      function redirect_to_home(){
          if( is_archive()){
      } add_action(‘template_redirect’, ‘redirect_to_home’);

      1. Michiel Holtgreve septiembre 3, 2014 en 7:20 am

        Thanks a lot Kevin! This works also for me. Was looking for this for a long time!

  9. Anderson Luiz Narciso mayo 21, 2011 en 7:36 pm

    Mannn u save me (L), i was using a plugin to redirect, but is a lot of work put link by link to
    redirect, and its shape redirects all at once, very good, and thank u

    1. @google-bbb748471f941d6cd59d0e099de0729c:disqus  cool glad that I could help out.

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