Obtener the_excerpt fuera del bucle

Añadiendo este código PHP a su tema wordpress le permitirá mostrar el extracto del post fuera del bucle.

   global $post;
   if (is_single()) {
      echo get_the_excerpt($post->ID);

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  1. Laurize Albarracin agosto 17, 2011 en 10:15 am

    I’m not sure, how do I use this and can it be used on wordpress pages?

    1. Hi Laurize, Lets say you wanted to display the excerpt of a post but within the footer of the page. Normally you would need to have the_excerpt within the loop this would let you place it in any location including the side bar footer etc.

      1. Laurize Albarracin agosto 18, 2011 en 12:32 am

        That’s what I need. but how do I use it? do i just replace the ‘ID’?

        1. Nope it will get the ID of the post it is displayed on so just place it within the sidebar or the header footer etc.

  2. Gwyneth Llewelyn julio 5, 2011 en 9:00 pm

    I wish it were that simple — it would be wonderful! Sadly, the usage of get_the_excerpt() with a parameter has been deprecated: look at http://core.trac.wordpress.org/browser/tags/3.2/wp-includes/post-template.php line 261 and following.

    The Codex also flags this usage as deprecated.

  3. This doesn’t work.

    1. Just tested the snippet to make sure I had no errors and it works fine. Can you give me some details on the what you are doing with the snippet ?

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