Desactivar el resaltado de sintaxis en WordPress 2.8

Inicialmente estaba entusiasmado con el resaltado de sintaxis de CodePress en WordPress 2.8, aunque después de usarlo recientemente, he cambiado de opinión. Mientras que sólo el resaltado de sintaxis por sí sola no es un problema, la forma en que completa las comillas, y auto sangrías hace que sea algo molesto por decir lo menos.

Pregunté en Twitter, y encontré un hilo en los foros de soporte de WordPress.org, pero desafortunadamente no pude encontrar una solución en ninguno de los dos. Resulta que la solución es mucho más sencilla de lo que pensaba. Mira este vídeo rápido para ver cómo desactivarlo:

A modo de resumen rápido, esto es lo que tienes que hacer:

  • Inicie sesión en su panel de administración de WordPress 2.8
  • Navegue hasta el editor de temas o plugins (no importa cuál)
  • Haga clic en la pestaña “Opciones de pantalla” situada en la esquina superior derecha
  • A continuación, haga clic en el enlace “Desactivar resaltado de sintaxis”.

Para activarlo de nuevo, siga los mismos pasos y haga clic en el enlace “Activar resaltado de sintaxis”. Otro método para desactivarlo/activarlo es añadir ?codepress=off o ?codepress=on al final de la URL del Editor de temas.

Un consejo a Eric Sizemore (como se menciona en el vídeo) por señalarme esto.

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  1. Wow, that was fast.
    Many thanks ! 🙂

    I thought, there’s some problem with my installation ! 🙂

  2. @Enk: Looks like you’re using WordPress 2.8.4 on your site.

    Syntax highlighting was removed in 2.8.1 due to browser incompatibility: http://www.themelab.com/2009/07/10/wordpress-281-released/

  3. Hey,
    I can’t see any Screen Options tab on my Editor or any Appearance Area Page. What should I do? :s

  4. Disable syntax highlighting in WordPress 2.8 julio 29, 2009 en 2:59 am

    […] to Leland for the great tip! If you enjoyed this article, please consider sharing it! tweetmeme_style = […]

  5. New And Comprehensive Wordpress 2.8 Tutorial and Hack Toolbox - Programming Blog julio 21, 2009 en 6:40 pm

    […] 31.Disable Syntax Highlighting in WordPress 2.8 […]

  6. New And Comprehensive Wordpress 2.8 Tutorial and Hack Toolbox | Graphic and Web Design Blog - Inspiration, Resources and Tools julio 20, 2009 en 1:34 pm

    […] 31.Disable Syntax Highlighting in WordPress 2.8 […]

  7. Wordpress 2.8 Syntax Highlighting is Evil. « Random Development Crap junio 29, 2009 en 6:12 am

    […] Disable Syntax Highlighting in WordPress 2.8 Tagged as: syntax highlighter, wordpress, WordPress 2.8 No Comments Comments (0) Trackbacks (0) ( subscribe to comments on this post ) […]

  8. thank you for this. like you, I was excited with the syntax highlighting until I used it.

  9. WordPress 2.8 Released junio 21, 2009 en 10:07 am

    […] CodePress syntax highlighting for the theme and plugin editors […]

  10. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

    To think if I’d just examined the new interface I would have found it…..

    The ease of editing the backend is, to me, what makes WordPress so great. The addition of this editor just about put me off it all together.

    Saved my sanity.

  11. @Eric: No problem. Again, thanks for pointing that out. I didn’t even that “Screen Options” tab before.

    @Deven: I tried in Firefox and it lagged a little bit when loading the page, haven’t tried the others (IE, Opera, Safari maybe?).

    @Adam: I think I know what you mean about the “weird stuff.” When trying to code in it, I can’t really explain it, but I just couldn’t stand it anymore. It wasn’t just the auto-identing and quote completion, but other weird things too.

    Almost reverted back to 2.7.1 on my test site just because the theme editor is pretty important to me. Good thing I didn’t have to do that though. 🙂

  12. Dude, your a legend, i never thought to look in the screen option

    This syntax highlighter is so broken, it’s unusable – It just completely locks up in Opera 10, and trying to use copy/past in both firefox & IE8 causes me no end of just crazy weird stuff happening

    Thanks alot

  13. New codpress editor lags a lot on all three main browsers and thanks to your tip finally i disabled it. Its a really pathetic feature from wordpress i have ever seen in any of the new versions.

  14. Disable Syntax Highlighting in WordPress 2.8 | Theme Lab | bllogger junio 13, 2009 en 10:16 pm

    […] See original here:  Disable Syntax Highlighting in WordPress 2.8 | Theme Lab […]

  15. And to think I almost created a plugin for it, until I found that, hehe. 🙂 Thanks for the mention 😉

  16. Disable Syntax Highlighting in WordPress 2.8 junio 13, 2009 en 3:19 pm

    […] View post:  Disable Syntax Highlighting in WordPress 2.8 […]

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