Cómo cambiar el color de la página de administración por estado en WordPress

Snippets by IsItWP

¿Está buscando una manera de cambiar los colores de fondo de la entrada/página dentro del admin basado en el estado actual? Si bien es probable que haya un plugin para esto, hemos creado un fragmento de código rápido que se puede utilizar para prohibir las cuentas de los usuarios en WordPress.


Todo lo que tienes que hacer es añadir este código al archivo functions.php de tu tema o en un plugin específico del sitio:

function posts_status_color(){
.status-draft{background: #FCE3F2 !important;}
.status-pending{background: #87C5D6 !important;}
.status-publish{/* no background keep wp alternating colors */}
.status-future{background: #C6EBF5 !important;}

Nota: Si es la primera vez que añade fragmentos de código en WordPress, consulte nuestra guía sobre cómo copiar / pegar correctamente fragmentos de código en WordPress, para no romper accidentalmente su sitio.

Si te ha gustado este fragmento de código, por favor considere revisar nuestros otros artículos en el sitio como: 22 mejores temas de WordPress para podcasting y cómo elegir el mejor registrador de dominios.

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  1. Thanks for the snippet!

  2. Thanx alot for the snippet. Solved my problem.

  3. This code snippet is obviously no longer working with new WP 4.2.2
    I have tested it at my WP and at a fresh, blank WP installation with exactly your code mentioned above. But only each second line is colored. See screenshot here: http://screencloud.net/v/CaLW
    Any idea is appreciated, thanks.

    1. Hi Viania, after your comment I did a test on a fresh install of WordPress 4.2.2 and I don’t get the problem you have. I had first assumed that it might be the post-formats and enabled them but to no avail everything was still working.


      Here is a screenshot, now with that said this is a simple snippet only adding CSS to the admin to change the background color based on a post status class. Can you inspect the table to see if something else may be overriding the snippet ?

      1. thank you for getting back to me, have you tested it with for example 4 (!) draft posts one after the other?

        You’re right, it is overwritten by this style:

        But I don’t know, where it is coming from – all plugins are disabled:
        and I changed the theme to TwentyFifteen.
        I don’t know, what styles these are, seems that these are wp-admin styles: http://screencloud.net/v/8NvQ
        I’m using WP 4.2.2 as multisite!

        1. you don’t happen to have any mu-plugins, or something within the functions.php do you?

          1. I have the for MU necessary sunrise.php plugin installed and the
            WordPress MU Domain Mapping plugin. In theme’s function is nothing from me (switched to TwentyFifteen, but same results).

          2. strange, well if you can find the location of the css, it should help to resolve the issue.

          3. I’m not familiar with WP own admin styles like you

    2. i tryed but still not working

  4. 25 WordPress Code Snippets for Enhanced Performance - ManageWP abril 9, 2014 en 11:20 am

    […] Source […]

  5. Wordpress Admin - How My Custom Posts List Rolls marzo 2, 2014 en 2:28 am

    […] [Source] […]

  6. Great snippet!

  7. thanks you very much ! very nice and it s free …

    1. Always free 🙂 enjoy the snippet.

      1. I said “free” because some pugin is not free and do the same ! (link removed)

        1. This is very true, my goal however is to help people working with wordpress.

  8. nice one!

  9. Is there a way to change row colour based on the category the post is in?

  10. Is there a way to change color (the same effect as above) but based on the template of the page instead of the status?

    1. hhhmmm, I’m sure something like that could be done. Can you give me a little insight into the reasons. This way I can make a post about it with code,

  11. Color Code your WordPress Posts by Post Status in Admin julio 25, 2011 en 8:01 am

    […] little snippet (courtesy of WordPress Code Snippets) allows you to color code the posts in your admin area, so that you can identify posts by their […]

  12. Surkho Salamov julio 3, 2011 en 1:36 pm

    Thanks! that will be helpful!

    1.  Cool glad you like it.

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