Añadir punteros personalizados en temas y plugins

Snippets by IsItWP

Puede aprovechar una función de WordPress llamada “Punteros”. Los punteros pueden utilizarse para explicar funciones importantes a los usuarios.

Instrucciones: Añade el siguiente código al archivo functions.php de tu tema de WordPress.
Después puedes cambiar las variables del puntero con la información que quieras mostrar y sustituir ID por jQuery para asignarlo al puntero.

add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', 'my_admin_enqueue_scripts' );
function my_admin_enqueue_scripts() {
    wp_enqueue_style( 'wp-pointer' );
    wp_enqueue_script( 'wp-pointer' );
    add_action( 'admin_print_footer_scripts', 'my_admin_print_footer_scripts' );
function my_admin_print_footer_scripts() {
    $pointer_content = '<h3>wpsnipp.com | Notice</h3>';
    $pointer_content .= '<p>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.</p>';
   <script type="text/javascript">
   jQuery(document).ready( function($) {
        content: '<?php echo $pointer_content; ?>',
        position: 'left',
        close: function() {
            // Once the close button is hit

También puede disfrutar utilizando la función de tema de fondos personalizados.

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  1. Hi, just wondering if this works on the front end of a website or if you know of a plugin for WordPress that allows this functionality? Thanks.

    1. No support for the front end yet… But I think it may be coming. I know my company is developing API for a front end version and we may contribute it to the core.

    2. No support for the front end yet… But I think it may be coming. I know my company is developing API for a front end version and we may contribute it to the core.

    3. No support for the front end yet… But I think it may be coming. I know my company is developing API for a front end version and we may contribute it to the core.

  2. danbodenstein mayo 2, 2012 en 9:39 am

    I agree, there has to be a way to only show this once. 

    1. Yes, I wish the same!

  3. Nice little function! However I noticed that even if you click “Dismiss” the notice comes back your next page. Are we missing some sort of save function to make sure it is dismissed permanently?

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