Técnica de spam de smileys do WordPress

Não tenho certeza se essa técnica já existe há algum tempo, mas acabei de notá-la. Alguém tentou deixar um comentário em uma postagem antiga aqui no Theme Lab com o habitual “nice post thanks” e um smiley 🙂 como texto âncora (ou imagem, nesse caso).

Como isso é feito

Esses spammers de comentários se aproveitam de usuários desavisados do WordPress ao criar um link para o site deles com uma imagem de smiley como esta.

Uau! Postagem realmente incrível! <a href="http://example.com">:)</a>

O smiley é então analisado em uma imagem, que é exibida em seu painel de moderação de comentários do WordPress.

Como identificá-lo

No painel de moderação de comentários, sob a imagem do smiley, você notará um sublinhado pequeno, quase imperceptível.

WordPress Smiley Spam

Isso indica que o smiley está vinculado a algo, provavelmente a um site que você não aprovaria.


Acho que os spammers nunca deixarão de pensar em novas maneiras de enviar spam, mas é melhor estar ciente das novas técnicas à medida que elas forem surgindo. Algum de vocês já viu esse tipo de spam de comentário antes?

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  1. Divageekdesigns.com setembro 22, 2008 em 2:17 am

    Since I started my blog about a year ago I’ve had something to the tune of 6,000 spam comments caught by the Akismet plugin. Thank Jesus I installed that plugin. When I started my blog I knew nothing about wordpress so I just as likely could of not installed it.
    I don’t understand the ones that just add random letters..what’s that all about?
    Lately I’ve also been getting a ton of spam in my instant message program mostly my Yahoo. I just block them but again with the random letters..
    Do they contain scripts? Just curious if anyone knows that answer to that one.

    Thanx for the smiley tip I’ll make sure to spread the word on my blog and keep an eye open for the little buggers. *wink*

  2. Wow, now that is tricky!

  3. Banishing spam and other ickies from your recruiter inbox » RISE Recruiter Training setembro 10, 2008 em 2:26 pm

    […] WordPress Smiley Spam Technique […]

  4. Very clever. One wouldn’t realize that the smiley was a link. 😉

  5. That is definitely some sneaky stuff there. Good eye. :):):):):)

    Oh yeah. None of those smilies at the top have any links for your information. 😉 <- Now how about this one! =)

  6. Wow…I don’t know if I would have caught that small line. I guess they will always find a new way to spam, huh?

  7. @Pangeran: No worries. 🙂

  8. Yeah, Leland…
    I was just joking…
    Don’t mind that…

  9. Keep in mind I wrote this post with the intention of making people aware of this “smiley spam” technique to defend yourself, not to use it on other blogs.

    @Bcarter: I’d have to agree with you. Comments like “nice post” don’t really contribute to the conversation at all so I tend not to approve them.

  10. Thanks for the tip. Most of the comments that I receive stating “nice post” or something like that go straight to the trash anyways. In fact, lately most of my comments have been spam, to the tune of 30-40 per day on my oldest blog.

    1. But when you – like I do – get “nice post” on a blog that is only in norwegian, it is rather obviously that it is spam.. 🙂

  11. hey this is pretty sneaky of the spammers… i geus you have to take them with a pinch of salt… i cant quite say yet as i have not had any major spammers on my site or blog but its growing in interest so maybe soon..

    say what do people feel about people promoting their work or blogs that are relevent to posts on comments…?? is it un fair as it seems to be the only way that i can truly get people to view my blogs

    heres mine now… http://trcwest.com/blog/

    let me knows… by commenting on my blog or here??

    1. Just my own opinion, but I don’t think your blog is relevant to the post… therefor as a blog author, I’d have left your comment but remove the link. This is usually how I deal with “mild” spam, i.e non-professional spammers who just tend to have bad blog etiquette and keep on dropping off their link for no reason (not saying it’s your case ;-))

      Pro spammers are sneaky… recently, I got a lot of messages in Russian, seems that Akismet still has to learn the language 😆

  12. I never thought of this thing…
    Wow, if I’m doing that on a do follow blog, what a decent transparent link back I have… 🙂

  13. Ive never seen it, but thats f^&*ing clever, hmmm, im going to try it lol =D Not for spamming with bum sites, just for like decent sites, that could benefit both people lol. 😀

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