Cómo eliminar los enlaces Editar, Ver, Papelera y Edición rápida dentro de Posts Admin

Snippets by IsItWP

¿Estás buscando una forma de eliminar los enlaces de edición, vista, papelera y edición rápida que ves cuando pasas el ratón por encima de una entrada? Si bien es probable que haya un plugin para esto, hemos creado un fragmento de código rápido que se puede utilizar para eliminar editar, ver, basura, y enlaces de edición rápida dentro de mensajes de administración en WordPress.


Todo lo que tienes que hacer es añadir este código al archivo functions.php de tu tema o en un plugin específico del sitio:

add_filter( 'post_row_actions', 'remove_row_actions', 10, 1 );
function remove_row_actions( $actions )
    if( get_post_type() === 'post' )
        unset( $actions['edit'] );
        unset( $actions['view'] );
        unset( $actions['trash'] );
        unset( $actions['inline hide-if-no-js'] );
    return $actions;

Nota: Si es la primera vez que añade fragmentos de código en WordPress, consulte nuestra guía sobre cómo copiar / pegar correctamente fragmentos de código en WordPress, para no romper accidentalmente su sitio.

Si te ha gustado este fragmento de código, por favor considere revisar nuestros otros artículos en el sitio como: 7 mejores plugins de calendario de WordPress y cómo iniciar un blog de WordPress.

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  1. It’s should on page one !

  2. it does not works

  3. it doesn’t work for post_type = ‘page’, but working smoothly for custom post type. Any solution for this? thx before

  4. Thanks a lot..

  5. How can I make these columns appear on a custom columns that I’ve added.

    I am adding a Testimonial post, which doesn’t support title in my case. And, hence I want to be able to show all options “the link, edit, trash, view, delete” links that appear on Title column to appear on this new column – Client name.

  6. Thanks for this. Was looking all over the place for this. 

  7. Funny Facebook Status noviembre 20, 2011 en 8:24 am

    Any idea how to add Trash link in main Index Page.. Thanks.. 

  8. Funny Facebook Status noviembre 20, 2011 en 8:23 am


  9. thanks for the snippet.. but how can i disable the hyperlink of the tittle of the post

    1. Ill take a look and see if this is a snippet I can post in the future.

  10. Great snippet – thanks

    Anyway to get this to work with a custom post type also though?

    1. You will notice on line 04:  if( get_post_type() === ‘post’ )  the post type is post if you change that to the custom post type name that should do it. However if you want to apply to every post and post type just remove line 04 altogether.

      1. (belated!) thanks, much appreciated

        1.  No problem Glad that I could help.

    2. Just thought about this as well, you could remove them for everyone but a set number of users, replace line 04 with the following.

      global $current_user;
      // change users in list
      $users = array(
      if (!in_array($current_user->user_login, $users))

      Add new users that are allowed to see the edit, view, trash buttons etc.

  11. Great code snippet!  Would love to know how to remove the “trash” function housed above the list of posts, as well as on the edit post page.  basically, I want to take away any users ability to trash ANY post. thanks!

    1. Grant glad you like the snippet, in regards to your request you could always insert CSS using the admin_head hook and display none the class=”delete-action” would not disable the function but would hide the button. You can see this snippet to get the idea just change the css used.


      1.  You probably discourage this type of request. I am trying to add this snippet to WP. I am a PHP virgin and have messed up the syntax on inserting the code. I am an amateur at SQL and thought I could apply my limited knowledge process to this and I’ve fouled up”  I’ve placed it at the end of the /public_html/wp-content/themes/twentyten function file. I can’t get the closing syntax correct.  Do I need to add an endif; to close the file? Or, should I paste the snippet into a different location in the file.  I appreciate your help.

        1. @SurfinUSA:disqus you will notice within the functions.php at the start you have a the location does not matter for this snippet but it needs to be between the of the file.

          1. Kevin,

            I’m sorry. The symbols you used to designate where the snippet must be located did not appear either on your web page or in the confirming e-mail I received below.  Could you find another way to indicate the location where I need to insert the snippet?

        2. You can view a simple sample here,

          Your functions.php would be bigger then this but the register code at the top should be there, just replace the code here with the code above.

          1. Thanks Kevin

            It works fine now

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